Abbo of Fleury, Passio S. Eadmundi
dedicated to Archbishop Dunstan
- T. Arnold, Memorials of St Edmund’s abbey, RS 96 (1890–96), 1. 1–25 [using only copies in English libraries]
- M. Winterbottom, Three Lives of English Saints, TMLT 1 (1972), 67–87 [from MS Cotton Tiberius B. ii].
- On the circulation of the text, see A. Gransden, ‘Abbo of Fleury’s Passio sancti Eadmundi’, RB 105 (1995) 20–78.
- Angers, Bibliothèque municipale, MS 121 (s. xi/xii), fols. 246r–248v.
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 42 (s. xii), fols. 19r–25v.
- Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, MS Gl. Kgl. Saml. 1588 (s. xi), 2r–28r.
- Lambeth Palace Library, MS 362 (s. xi), fols. 1r–12v.
- BL MS Cotton Tiberius B. ii (s. xi), fols. 2r–19v.
- BL MS Cotton Titus A. viii (s. xii), fols. 65r–78v.
- Bodl. MS Digby 109 (s. xii), fols. 1r–14v.
- Bodl. MS Fairfax 12 (s. xii), fols. 142r–147v.
- Bodl. MS Rawlinson C. 440 (s. xii), fols. 194r–204r.
- Oxford, Jesus College, MS 75 (s. ??), fol. 517–(???).
- Oxford, St John’s College, MS 149 (s. xii), fols. 60r–72v.
- BNF MS lat. 2475 (s. xii), fols. 190v–196v.
- Rome
- Salisbury Cathedral, MS ?? (formerly Bodl. MS Fell 2) (s. xii), fols. 125r–136v
- MSS others